Rage Video Settings Patch Download

The PC version of Rage will soon have a bevy of new ways for gamers to tweak the way the game behaves and looks on their system, id Software tells Kotaku.

Id Explains How to Tweak the Most Out of PC Rage, More Official Settings. Video options in. When the patch initially hits. John Carmack, Rage's. Automatic Video Settings Fallbacks: When an advanced video setting fails to apply, the setting may be set back to a safe default.

'Rage has fewer tunable settings than games we've released in the past,' Robert Duffy, Rage programming director, told Kotaku. 'We've added a few more video options in the update that will be available soon and these will provide gamers more flexibility in tuning the game for performance and quality. Additionally we've defaulted several things differently based on CPU/GPU combinations, so that will also help with the overall experience.'

Rage Gpu Transcode

'We are still evaluating which options to surface in the update but currently we've added:'
1. Texture Cache [ Small | Large ] which alternates between 4k and 8k pages
2. Texture Anisotropy [ Low | High ]
3. VSYNC [ Off | On | Smart ] 'Smart' will only be available once future drivers come out that supports the extension so Off and On are the only options when the patch initially hits.

John Carmack, Rage's technical director, said he was a 'bit surprised at the intensity of the reaction' to the low number of video options.


'We are providing a few more options in an update, and we will probably document some of the more obscure tuning options that can be done manually,' he said.

We asked Duffy for a quick run down of what gamers can do now, if they want to much about in the game's console or Steam settings. Here's what he told us:

Here are several ways to change settings but the easiest is through the Steam launch options for the game which are accessible by right clicking on RAGE in the Steam Library, choose Properties, and then Set Launch Options. Depending on your setup the following can boost performance and/or quality.


If you have a high end GPU with at least 1GB+ of dedicated video ram you can use what we refer to as 8K Pages. These pages are effectively the GPU-based texture cache and if the video ram is available can greatly reduce texture page-in. Please note that if enough video ram is not available, setting this can drastically reduce performance and this does not always play nice on a 32bit OS. The following command line can be used to enable 8K textures. (Current valid settings are 4096 or 8192.)

+vt_pageImageSizeUnique 8192 +vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly8192 +vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 8192


Rage Video Settings Patch Download

Another setting that will prove beneficial to gamers with 4 or less cores is to try different values for vt_maxppf. This particular setting changes how many texture pages are transcoded per frame. On systems with fewer cores reducing it from the default of 128 can greatly enhance performance and limit texture page-in artifacts. A value of 16 appears to be the best option in cases where the CPU is getting hammered because of fewer cores. The patch defaults this value based on the number of cores present but in the meantime gamers can use the following command line to see if it helps with any issues they may be seeing. (Valid settings for vt_maxppf are 8, 16, 32, 64, 128)

+vt_maxppf 16

Let us know in comments what you find works best for your system. Also, what other settings you'd like to seen built into the options menu for the PC.


Rage Video Settings


You can contact Brian Crecente, the author of this post, at brian@kotaku.com. You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, and lurking around our #tips page.

  1. RAGE defaults to lower video settings to allow the game to work on a
  2. wide variety of hardware and software configurations.
  3. Unfortunately, it is not possible to anticipate all possible graphics
  4. driver issues in combination with unique end user hardware and software
  5. configurations. For this reason RAGE does not automatically increase
  6. video/graphics settings as this could result in negative side effects
  7. on specific hardware and software configurations. The original release
  8. of RAGE does not expose many video/graphics options for people to tweak
  9. because some of these settings, although desirable from a quality
  10. perspective, simply will not work on specific configurations either due
  11. to hardware limitations and/or driver bugs. Due to popular demand for
  12. more video and graphics options, this patch updates the video settings
  13. menu and exposes several quality and performance settings. However, not
  14. everyone may be able to increase the settings due to hardware limitations
  15. VSync
  16. The new 'VSync' option in the video settings menu allows you to remove
  17. screen tearing. There are three options: ON, OFF and SMART.
  18. When VSync is turned OFF you may experience screen tearing.
  19. When VSync is turned ON you should not see screen tearing. However,
  20. any time your frame rate drops below 60 frames per second you will
  21. get a sudden more severe drop to 30 frames per second. This is how VSync
  22. inherently works. If your computer cannot maintain 60 frames per
  23. second and you miss the synchronization to the vertical retrace of
  24. your monitor then you will miss a whole frame and synchronize to
  25. Some graphics drivers now support a so called 'swap-tear' extension.
  26. You can try using this extension by setting VSync to SMART.
  27. If your graphics driver supports this extension and you set VSync
  28. to SMART then RAGE will synchronize to the vertical retrace of
  29. your monitor when your computer is able to maintain 60 frames per
  30. second and the screen may tear if your frame rate drops below 60 frames
  31. per second. In other words the SMART VSync option trades a sudden drop
  32. to 30 frames per second with occasional screen tearing. Occasional
  33. screen tearing is usually considered less distracting than a more
  34. If your graphics driver does not support SMART VSync and you set VSync
  35. to SMART in the video settings then RAGE will automatically fall back to
  36. turning VSync OFF and you may experience screen tearing. The 'swap-tear'
  37. extension is brand new and may still present some issues on certain
  38. graphics hardware. If you experience any problems using SMART Vsync
  39. then set VSync to either ON or OFF. We are actively working with the
  40. graphics hardware vendors to improve the 'swap-tear' extension.
  41. If changing VSync in the RAGE video settings menu does not appear to
  42. make any difference then make sure you are not overriding the VSync
  43. setting in the graphics vendor control panel. You can find the
  44. graphics vendor control panel by right-clicking on the Windows desktop
  45. and selecting the ' control panel' option from the pop-up menu.
  46. If you force VSync to the 'on' setting in the graphics vendor control
  47. panel then you should not see any screen tearing in RAGE but you may
  48. get a more severe drop in frame rate if your computer cannot maintain
  49. If you force VSync to the 'off' setting in the graphics vendor control
  50. panel then you may experience screen tearing no matter what setting you
  51. use for the VSync option in the RAGE video settings menu.
  52. -------------
  53. The new 'Texture Cache' option in the video settings menu allows you
  54. to increase the texture cache size to keep more texture data in
  55. If the Texture Cache is set to LARGE then RAGE will keep more texture
  56. data in video memory. This may not only significantly reduce blurry
  57. textures and texture popping, it will also allow complex scenes to be
  58. However, this may not work on computers that do not have enough system
  59. or video memory, or you may experience a significant drop in performance.
  60. If you experience issues due to hardware limitations you will have to set
  61. If after changing the Texture Cache to LARGE you experience a crash or
  62. texture corruption (like a partially or completely blue world) then
  63. We are actively working with the graphics card vendors to resolve
  64. If you do not experience a crash but you see texture corruption then you
  65. may be able to get the large Texture Cache to work by accepting the change
  66. and restarting the game. If you still experience texture corruption after
  67. restarting the game you will have to set the Texture Cache back to SMALL.
  68. You may also be able to improve the memory situation on your computer by
  69. changing the Windows paging file management. Note that making changes to
  70. the Windows paging file management may change the performance characteristics
  71. of your computer. Any changes you make to your system configuration are
  72. at your own risk. Always make backups of your system and revert these
  73. To change the paging file management on Windows Vista and Windows 7, first
  74. press the 'Start' button, then right-click on 'Computer' and then select
  75. 'Properties' from the popup menu. Then select 'Advanced system settings'
  76. on the window that appears. Select the 'Advanced' tab on the
  77. 'System Properties' window that is displayed and press the 'Settings'
  78. button under 'Performance'. Select the 'Advanced' tab on the
  79. 'Performance Options' window that shows up next and press the
  80. 'Change...' button under 'Virtual memory'. Now uncheck the option
  81. 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives' and make
  82. sure that the option 'System managed size' is selected on the
  83. 'Virtual Memory' window. Confirm the change by pressing the 'OK' button
  84. on each window. After making this change you will have to restart your
  85. To change the paging file management on Windows XP, first press the
  86. 'Start' button, then right-click on 'My Computer' and then select
  87. 'Properties' from the popup menu. Select the 'Advanced' tab on the
  88. 'System Properties' window that is displayed and press the 'Settings'
  89. button under 'Performance'. Select the 'Advanced' tab on the
  90. 'Performance Options' window that shows up next and press the 'Change'
  91. button under 'Virtual memory'. Make sure that the option
  92. 'System managed size' is selected on the 'Virtual Memory' window.
  93. Confirm the change by pressing the 'OK' button on each window.
  94. After making this change you will have to restart your computer for
  95. Anisotropic Filter
  96. The new 'Anisotropic Filter' option in the video settings menu allows
  97. you to increase the anisotropic texture filtering.
  98. Anisotropic filtering is a method to enhance the image quality of
  99. textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles.
  100. The anisotropic texture filtering in RAGE defaults to a low value to
  101. accommodate for low-end graphics hardware. However, the anisotropic
  102. filtering can be increased for high-end graphics hardware by setting
  103. the Anistropic Filter option to HIGH in the video settings menu.
  104. Do not force anisotropic filtering to the �on� setting in the graphics
  105. vendor control panel because this may cause rendering artifacts in
  106. Note that increasing the anisotropic filtering may improve the
  107. texture quality while it may also decrease the frame rate.
  108. ---------------------
  109. - Implemented workaround for AMD driver crash right after intro cinematic
  110. - Disabled UBOs because they are causing animation issues with AMD drivers.
  111. - Don't allow swap-tear to be enabled on AMD while the extension is not
  112. - Support for new video settings: 'texture cache', 'vsync' and
  113. - Automatically adjust vt_maxPPF based on the number of available cores.
  114. - Improved performance for SLI cards when GPU transcode is enabled.
  115. - Fix for GPU Transcoding option being disabled after exiting gameplay.
  116. - Added safe mode to restore video settings to default values.
  117. - Allow g_fov to be changed from the RAGE launch options in Steam.
  118. - Server now forwards text chat from clients to all other clients while
  119. Known Graphical Issues
  120. The following issues were found using NVIDIA graphics hardware with
  121. the GeForce R285 Driver or AMD graphics hardware with the AMD Catalyst
  122. - If you turn up both the screen resolution and anti-aliasing settings
  123. to high values in the video settings menu and/or you enable
  124. 'GPU Transcode' then the screen may no longer update on some hardware
  125. configurations. This means your system does not have the necessary
  126. video memory to run with these high settings. You can re-enter the video
  127. settings menu and lower your settings to restart screen updates.
  128. - If you turn up both the screen resolution and anti-aliasing settings
  129. to high values in the video settings menu you may experience a crash
  130. if your system does not have the necessary memory to run with these
  131. high settings. To avoid this problem you will have to re-enter the
  132. video settings menu to lower the settings. If you can no longer launch
  133. the game after changing the video settings to high values you can add
  134. the following to your RAGE launch options in Steam:
  135. +com_safemode 1
  136. The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam
  137. and selecting 'Properties'. Then click on 'Set Launch Options' in
  138. the dialog that pops up. Adding this option will reset your video
  139. settings to the default values the next time the game is launched.
  140. When the game is launched in safe mode the game will show 'safe mode'
  141. in the corners of the screen. Do not forget to remove the safe mode
  142. launch option after launching the game once to make sure you do not
  143. lose your video settings each time you launch the game.
  144. - Using a NVIDIA graphics card on Windows XP 32-bit or XP 64-bit, you
  145. may experience a crash or hang when changing the screen resolution in
  146. full screen mode or switching from windowed mode to full screen mode.
  147. This has been identified as a graphics driver problem. We have spent
  148. significant effort trying to work around this problem and were
  149. successful in reducing the frequency of occurrence but a driver update
  150. is necessary to completely fix the problem. We are actively working with
  151. NVIDIA to make a solution to this problem available as soon as possible.
  152. - Using an AMD graphics card, you may experience black flickering
  153. artifacts on flags, banners and zip-lines if you run in full screen
  154. mode. This has been identified as a graphics driver problem. We are
  155. actively working with AMD on a solution to this problem.
  156. - Using an AMD graphics card, you may experience black grid lines on
  157. some graphical user interface (GUI) elements like the in-game mini-map.
  158. This has been identified as a graphics driver problem. We are actively
  159. working with AMD on a solution to this problem. If you find the grid
  160. lines particularly distracting, you can add the following to the RAGE
  161. launch options in Steam as a temporary workaround.
  162. +vt_maxAniso 1
  163. The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam
  164. and selecting 'Properties'. Then click on 'Set Launch Options' in
  165. the dialog that pops up. However, note that adding this setting will
  166. - If you have an AMD graphics card with a dual core CPU system you may
  167. experience severe hitching and low frame rates. This has been
  168. identified as a driver problem. We are actively working with AMD on
  169. a solution to this problem. As a temporary workaround you may add the
  170. The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam
  171. and selecting 'Properties'. Then click on 'Set Launch Options' in
  172. - If you are running RAGE in full-screen mode and you ALT-TAB to a
  173. different application you may lose your VSync setting. When you
  174. switch to a different application VSync stops functioning.
  175. RAGE detects that VSync is no longer working and automatically switches
  176. back to synchronizing to real-time to make sure the game time advances
  177. in a consistent manner. We are actively working with the graphics